مسعود بادامی
[ همه پیام ها ] پیام های مسعود بادامي (1 مورد)
  سوره آل عمران آیه 62 - حکمت
قصص قرانی حکمت هایی از سوی خداوند حکیم دارند که حق اند تا او که همتایی ندارد به ماکه پناهی جز او نداریم کمک کند
[ همه نکته ها ] نکته های مسعود بادامي (1 مورد)
  سوره بقرة آیه 38 - پیرویی
واقعا اگر بدرستی از پیامبران و امامان ودر کل اولیا ا.. پیرویی کند بیمناک نمیشود برای مثال حوادث سال88 که کسانی که باولایت بودند هیچ ترسی نداشتند
[ همه سوال ها ] سوال های مسعود بادامي (1 مورد)
  سوره بقرة آیه 62 - مسیحیان
در مورد یهودیان و مسیحیان پس از اسلام چی آیا این آیه صدق می کند؟؟
[ همه ترجمه ها ] ترجمه های مسعود بادامي (9 مورد)
  سوره بقرة آیه 104 - ترجمه انگلیسی (صفارزاده)
O, you who believe! Do not say:" Raena" to the Messenger, but say:" Unzurna" listen to this admonition And[ know that ]for the disbelievers There is a painful Torment
  سوره بقرة آیه 103 - ترجمه انگلیسی (صفارزاده)
And if they had believed in Allah, and Kept themselves away from evil, far Better had been the reward from their Creator and Nurturer, if they but knew This
  سوره بقرة آیه 102 - ترجمه انگلیسی (صفارزاده)
And they,[ the Jews ]followed what The devils recited during Solaiman`s Kingdom,[ to effect magic for their evil Purposes ]Solaiman did not Disbelieve, but[ it was ]the devils that Disbelieved, teaching men magic, and What was revealed to the two Angels, Harut and Marut at Babil. But neither Of them taught anyone magic without Saying:" We are only for trial; so do Not disbelieve[ in Allah by learning this Magic from us ]" but people learned From them that which caused Separation between man and his wife, Though they could not thus harm any One except by Allah`s Leave. And they Learned what harmed them, rather Than what profited them[ despite The Angels` remarks ]and they certainly Knew that the buyers of magic would Have no share in the happiness of The Hereafter; and evil was the price For which they sold their souls, if they Had but knew